
您现在所在的位置:首页 >> 行业动态 >> 马士基、中远等4家航运公司被制裁,10日内禁止靠港

时间:2018-07-19       作者:代表人


NPA指出,同时发现一些航运公司进口的集装箱数量远大于出口的空箱,从而使该国成为空箱的倾倒场。“这些行为导致了拉各斯港口及周围的持续拥堵,甚至蔓延到拉各斯这座城市的其他地方。同时此次制裁也是做为解决Lagos Port Complex (LPC) 和Tin Can Island Port (TCIP)卡车司机抗议和罢工的一项举措。 
As part of efforts to resolve the protest by truck drivers at the Lagos Port Complex (LPC) and the Tin Can Island Port (TCIP) Lagos, the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) has announced a ten-day suspension of the services of four Shipping Companies, in the first instance.
The affected Shipping Companies whose suspension takes effect from Saturday, July 14th, 2018 are Maerskline, Cosco Shipping, APS and Lansal.
At the expiration of this suspension, the Authority will review the level of their compliance to its directives.
It could be recalled that in November, 2017, an agreement was reached between the NPA, Shipping Companies and Terminal Operators on the provision of holding bays for their containers through the newly adopted Call-Up system for trucks.
The suspension of the four Shipping Companies, follows the Authority’s checks which revealed that they have failed to comply with the directive to acquire and operate holding bays as they have either failed to utilize their holding bays at all or do not have adequate capacity to handle the volume of containers that they deal with.
Some of these companies have also been found to import a larger number of containers than empty containers exported thereby making the country a dumping ground for empties.
These conducts have contributed to the persistent congestion around the Lagos Port Complex (LPC) and the Tin Can Island Port (TCIP), spreading to other parts of the Lagos metropolis where truck drivers with no immediate business at the ports now park their trucks on the express roads.
Stakeholders have agreed that while the Call-Up system through the ports management, as advised by shipping companies will remain in force, personnel of the Nigerian Navy will discontinue the issuance of call ups, even though they will remain on the traffic management team.
In a related vain, the NPA Management reiterated that the planned introduction of a new service charge called “Empty positioning fee” by shipping lines is illegal and should not be honoured by any operator.
Meanwhile, the NPA Management had said that henceforth, it would be embarking on regular compliance checks of the operations of holding bays by shipping companies and terminal operators and stressed that defaulters would be sanctioned.
The Management expressed gratitude to all stakeholders for their cooperation and understanding over the perennial traffic congestion along the Apapa and Tin Can Island axis and efforts to find a lasting solution to the problem.